Tag Archives: recharge+

A Room with a View

“This is an absolute necessity for anybody today. You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don’t know what was in the newspapers that morning, you don’t know who your friends are, you don’t know what you owe anybody, you don’t know what anybody owes to you. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen”

From “Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers)”

I am on the brink of a 30-day writing challenge (check it out here). I am excited. Scared. Hopeful. Jittery. And altogether nervous. This idea of sacred space is not new to me and all the more essential as I embark on this journey. It is also not new to tugging me into action. I have been a slow mover on this. Maybe I can finally give it the attention it deserves.

The hubs and I have a house with more places to sit than we have bums to sit in them. We laugh about it often. Just how many sitting areas can one house have? Seriously. So I recently decided to begin the process of beautifying the perfect space for me to write. As of now, it’s a little cavernous and empty. My hope is for it to feel like a cocoon. A place to which I can retreat, swaddled in sentimental items, create, write, think, be quiet, just BE. As I begin, I found the following article to be helpful: 5 Tips for Creating a Sacred Space.

I appreciate the need for uncluttered space if the desire is an uncluttered mind. I also am learning to retreat from mobile devices, social media and the likes when I first awake and before I drift off at night. I believe there is inherent anxiety surrounding our dependence upon such material things. The choice to either succumb or abstain is mine alone. The choice I make dictates the ease, serenity and fruitfulness of the morning and/or the peacefulness of my dreams to come.

To be sure, when I can, I carve out a little time in nature, gain a new perspective in the cleansing rain, to soak in the abundant miracles that surround us in our everyday lives. To sit. Be still. Be present in all the powerful wonder of this amazing gift of life, this miraculous universe full of energy and possibility. Our sacred space doesn’t inherently dictate that it must be indoors, in our homes, in our own yards. Find, cultivate, protect and nurture whatever space feels right, inspiring and reverent to you.

I am curious. What are your morning rituals for creating mindfulness, spaciousness, and peacefulness before starting about your day? What spaces have you created or claimed for yourself to calm the mind and nourish the spirit?

Love & Light

P.s. Here are a few of my inspiring finds!


Monday ReCharge+ 6.30.14


Each and every day we awake with powerful freedom.  tweet

Freedom to live our lives by the design of our own hearts and minds.

We choose gratitude or thanklessness. We choose positivity or negativity; compassion or apathy. We choose to awaken the power of grace in each moment we live or we choose to remain focused on life’s struggles, thereby inviting more strife and discontent into our lives. We choose. We always have the freedom to choose.

Choose to let the past go and live the best life you can now… today. Choose to greet the day and each person in it with humility and kindness. Choose to let your dreams take flight and carry you into an amazing and abundant future.

Choose wisely. The freedom is yours…

Happy Monday.

Love & Light Always ~K

Monday ReCharge+ 6.16.14

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.” ― William Blake

To sit among the quite strength of trees… To be still among the crisp rustling of leaves… To loosen one’s grip on the world as a giant machine and to instead sharpen the mind’s eye, the soul’s ear and the heart’s call to the magnitude and beauty of LIFE in our natural world… These are the blessings and bounty of which dreams are made. Be still. Inhale the breath of the Universe. Exhale the chaos of industry.

Be still. Inhale. Exhale. See. Feel. Be.  tweet

sesqui 6.16.14

Love & Light

Monday Recharge+ 6.9.14

Monday’s get a bad rap. Most people wake up a little slower, a little less motivated, a little less enthusiastic, and a lot more like Eeyore.

Isn’t any day of the week a GREAT day to be alive?  tweet

How about we try to get up with a heart full of gratitude and a head full of possibility? Our attitude in life guarantees our outcome. Open your arms and eyes to the beauty of the amazing miracle of the world that surrounds us. Choose to see the artistry of nature as affirmation of a higher power guiding, creating and protecting. And indeed, let the heartbeat that is yours and yours alone feed your passions and drive you towards your purpose.

Happy Monday!

Love & Light
