Tag Archives: recharge+


As 2015 peeks around the sun making her descent in a Western sky, it is time to bid adieu to the year in my rearview…


2014. I am in awe. In awe at all that was, has been, and promises to be. Many challenges, many hoorahs, many tears, some good-byes, some re-acquaintances. Bruised some hearts, including my own. Fallen into the abyss and pulled my way back out. When anxiety knocked, I prevailed. When depression shadowed my soul, I searched for the bright, shining light all around. I accepted challenges; which scared me beyond recognition of the brave, strong-willed girl I know myself to be. I cried out of fear when I didn’t believe in myself. I repeatedly fell into the arms of someone who never seems to lose faith. Sainthood should prevail here.

I climbed, crawled, ran, pulled, hoisted, swam, threw, slid, traversed, and scaled my way through ¾ of the year. In mud. With some of the best friends a girl could find. I found a strength I never knew I had. I spread love of fitness and health in three countries. I poured that same love out to many trusting souls right here in SC. Many days all while searching for a lifeline myself.

I wrote. Until my heart bled. Until the anxiety poured out of me. Creativity seeped from me. Nature influenced me. Photography inspired me. I saw this beautiful world with bright, new, shining eyes. I chased the dawn of day and sunsets every chance I got. I learned amazing things about myself through my daily surroundings. And yet, I still struggled with the reoccurring themes of my life that love to creep in again like old, welcome friends. I have learned, too, that there are lessons in the questions. And beauty in the lessons. And that above all, I am beauty. Equally so in both the dark and the shining moments that shape my days and years.

I felt invisible, invalid, unworthy, and sad from the negative self-talk. I rebounded with strength, reclaimed the most important things in life, and slowed down enough to hear my heart speak and my soul hum. I am still learning to listen to the Universal truths and not just my own.

Cancer became a four-letter word in my family and has taken a backseat for now. Praise. And hallelujah. And AMEN…

So many struggles. The most challenging year. But the most rewarding growth. Powerful year of recognition and gloves off kind of grappling. Sitting alone with myself. Searching. Digging. Finding words. And honoring. I am done. Done with the lessons you cast my way. Done with self I have outgrown. Even in future repetitions, I will honor the transformation in each new layer slayed.

2015… I can only hope you are as full of adventure and expansion. Time to test the waters. Step in. Let’s go for a swim.

Good vibes.


Sending a very Merry Christmas, full of light, love and wonder out into the world today. There are miracles all around us, wondrous gifts of delight and magical reminders that LIFE is precious and that we all have a purpose to fulfill during our time here. Take time each day to exhale hope, compassion and joy into the lives of those sharing space with you. Only love and patience can drive out the negativity in our world. Only calm and peace can usher in the spirit of humanity that we all desire. Your greatest gift to the world is found in your daily interactions with life. The radiance you impart, the laughter you inspire, the comfort you instill in others is the legacy of you. And while you are spreading all the goodness that is you to world… sprinkle a little #hope #compassion #joy #love #patience #calm and #peace on yourself. Anoint your dreams in the belief that you are the key to achieving everything you desire. A life lived pursuing the truest of dreams leads to the most open of hearts. I can’t think of anything the world needs more at this time. Shine on. Shine bright. Light the way towards peace. Yes, today. But also every day. Namaste

The more we dig into the depths of who we are on the path to becoming who we are meant to be, the more obstacles are going to block the path. Of that we can be sure. Any journey of truth is a one fraught with lessons, bumps and bruises along the way. Sometimes the toughest thing is to just get out of our own way! Being present, fully, with those around us and letting go of ourselves is often a gargantuan task. I learned this lesson the hard way this week, and boy, did it make me feel small and selfish! Coming off of a wonderfully relaxing and restorative weekend, it was a gut-check that while I have been working so diligently to be present in each day, I am far from immune to falling into old patterns. I had a friend in need of emotional support unexpectedly, a friend I was excited to see in our so very short bursts of personal time together, and I kinda screwed it all up. My mind was definitely not in the present moment and far from in a loving place. Worst part? I didn’t even realize the impact my emotional unavailability had on her. We made plans for another day and parted ways. Still locked in my own head… I thought nothing of it. 30 minutes later… and for most of the better part of this week… It has never been far from my mind. She sent me a message describing her hurt and rejection. I was crushed, frustrated at myself, and disappointed that I wasn’t even aware enough to see past myself at the time. All’s well that ends well. We are fine. In fact, maybe a little more appreciative of the fact that we tackled it head on, communicated from a place of authenticity, and honored our friendship with honesty. Score: Friendship = 1, Misery = 0. While the experience was hurtful and disappointing, it would be much worse to not appreciate the lesson to be learned. Remaining ever grateful, present, and in a state of love is a work in progress. To be sure, the things we allow to crowd into our present moments are more than likely inconsequential to what is going on around us at the time. Stop. Take a breath. Let go of yourself. And honor the moment you are in, alone or in company… before the damage is done. Be grateful. Be present. Be love. Namaste
